LOHF Announces 2016 Nursing Education Scholarship Recipients


The Lancaster Osteopathic Health Foundation (LOHF) is proud to announce the recipients of the 2016 Nurse Education Scholarship. The objective of the Nurse Education Scholarship Program is to strengthen the capacity of healthcare professionals in Lancaster County by supporting nursing students.

This year, LOHF invested $61,125 in the education of 28 local nursing students; this includes 17 new scholarship recipients and 11 previous recipients who are continuing in a second or third year of their degree program. Since 2003, LOHF has invested over $754,250 in the education of 336 nurses who can be found caring for our family members, friends and neighbors.

“We are thrilled to be able to assist healthcare providers with critical access to financial and educational resources including grants, scholarships, information and trainings. Our Nurse Education Scholarship supports students at leading medical facilities, universities and colleges in Lancaster County and the surrounding region,” explains Anna Brendle Kennedy, LOHF Executive Director. LOHF nurse education scholarships support nurses in Licensed Practical Nursing, Registered Nursing, and Bachelor of Science in Nursing, as well as advanced degrees and certificate programs such as Certified School Nurse or Family Nurse Practitioner.

Recipients of the 2016 Nurse Education Scholarship are: Hannah Good, PA College of Health Sciences; Bhumika Dahal; PA College of Health Sciences; Jeimary Ramos, PA College of Health Sciences; Jaime Plank, Eastern Mennonite University, Christie Coley, PA College of Health Sciences; Bokyung Lee, PA College of Health Sciences; Alexa Hellein, PA College of Health Sciences; Laura Noll, Harrisburg Area Community College; Tina Norris, Drexel University; Brittany Cox, PA College of Health Sciences; Ramonita Omaille, Eastern Mennonite University; Maria Rosas, PA College of Health Sciences; Lisa Albert, Capella University; Heather Fickes, Harrisburg Area Community College; Christopher Lohr, Millersville University; Mariannette Calon-Munoz, Millersville University; Mallory Hull, Millersville University.

Recipients of the 2015 Nurse Education Scholarship continuing in their degree program are: Recipients of the 2015 Nurse Education Scholarship continuing in their degree program are: Julie (Rutt) Hegepeth, Harrisburg Area Community College; Kathleen Schlager, Harrisburg Area Community College; Malinda Heisey, PA College of Health Sciences; Molly Schaeffer, PA College of Health Sciences; Kirsten Weiss, Drexel University; Kyle Wojciehowski, Millersville University.

Recipients of the 2014 Nurse Education Scholarship continuing in their degree program are: Amanda Conroy, Millersville University; Stephanie Glick, Millersville University; Becky Modene, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Lacey Saurbaugh, Aspen University; Norma Vazquez, PA College of Health Sciences; Amanda Yost, Drexel University.

A 2016 Nurse Education Scholarship Reception is planned for September 21, 2016, 5:30 p.m. at Lancaster Osteopathic Health Foundation, 128 East Grant Street, Suite 104, Lancaster, PA 17602. Light refreshments will be served. Guests are welcome. RSVP at info@lohfoundation.org or call (717) 397-8722.

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