Over 25 years, impacting Youth Mental Health in Lancaster County...

 Touchstone Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the mental well-being of youth across Lancaster County.

Our mission is to ensure every young person has access to the care and support they need to thrive. We achieve this through strategic partnerships, scholarships, and advocacy for health policies that promote mental wellness.


Our focus spans three key areas:

  • Increasing access to mental healthcare,
  • Building a strong talent pipeline for mental health professionals,
  • Fostering community awareness about mental health, especially for at-risk youth.


Join us in making a difference—support our mission today to help every young person in Lancaster County thrive.

2025 Feast of the Senses

Mark your calendar for the Feast of the Senses & Auction fundraiser! 

This unique, interactive event will take you on a tour of the five senses — see, feel, hear, smell and taste— by enjoying delectable food and beverage pairings while learning more about Touchstone Foundation. 

Join us and help elevate the mental well-being of youth and children in Lancaster County! 

Excelsior: 125 E King Street, Lancaster, PA 17602 

5:30 – 7:30 PM Food & Beverage Stations Open 

7:30 – 8:30 PM Program & Auction 

8:30 – 9:00 PM Dessert, Coffee & Tea 


We elevate the mental well-being of youth and children in Lancaster County. 


We improve access for youth and children’s mental wellness through mental health copay assistance, workforce development, and eliminating stigma in youth mental wellness.  

Mental Health Access Assistance

Don’t have the money to pay for therapy or counselling sessions?  No problem! We will cover the costs (up to $50) per visit towards your copay or  deductible to a licensed therapist. Youth,  children and parents with kids ages 0-25 are eligible. It is simple. No hidden fees. Easy to apply.  Click below to get started!

Our Programs


Therapy visits were covered for children and parents in Mental Health Access Assistance.


Local organizations received grants to increase access for youth mental health programs.


Students received scholarships toward their tuition in mental health careers.


High school students completed our Rise Above youth summit to learn about mental wellness.

We offer Mental Health Access (copay or deductible) Assistance to youth, children, and parents of dependent children (ages 0-25) who live in Lancaster County and have financial need.

We offer scholarships to individuals who are pursuing a career in the mental health field. Students who are starting or continuing advanced degrees and certifications, and are passionate about youth and children’s mental health.

This program addresses the inadequate supply of child and adolescent mental health professionals in Lancaster County. Thanks in part to a generous grant from the Steinman Foundation, this is funded for 3 years (through 2025).

We host a youth summit for high school students, exploring different topics of mental wellness while connecting them to local professionals and artists in Lancaster County.

Formerly known as the Pregnancy and Postpartum Mental Health of Lancaster County, our Parent Mental Wellness program raises awareness of perinatal and postpartum depression/anxiety, connects patients to care, eliminates racial disparities in maternal mental healthcare, is inclusive of gender experiences and educates healthcare and mental healthcare providers.

We seek to establish partnerships with organizations promoting and elevating mental well-being among the youth in Lancaster County.

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