Mental Health Resources

Here is a non-exhaustive list of local, state and national resources that cater to mental health.

Below are mental health resources divided into various categories with links to resources available locally, statewide and nationally. Don’t see a resource listed? Email and we will add to the page!

Lancaster County Youth Needs Assessment

While we paused our grants cycle in the Fall of 2022, we conducted a Youth Listening Tour with local community partners to begin updating our 2015 Youth and Children’s Behavioral Health Needs Assessment. We wanted to hear directly from youth, parents/caregivers, and families about mental and behavioral health needs, plus solutions and opportunities for future funding, and advocacy and policy changes.

To re-analyze the mental health landscape in Lancaster County we approached this issue by: conducting a listening tour targeted towards youth aged 12-19 who live in the County; and an online survey targeted towards parents of County students. It’s important to recognize that the experiences and perspectives captured in this report are not exhaustive, and additional considerations may emerge as the listening tours and survey continue. 

Upon analyzing data from our quantitative and qualitative studies, Touchstone Foundation has determined new funding recommendations. These recommendations include:  

  • Increasing access to mental health services by reducing wait times and funding transportation resources.  
  • Addressing stigma surrounding mental health through targeted programs and resources for parents and youth.  
  • Providing resources for youth mental health and addressing the impact of social media.  
  • Ensuring the accuracy of health information sources with tools for parents to evaluate online and non-medical providers. 


Analysis of quantitative and qualitative data from the Parent Survey and Youth Listening Tour focus group sessions revealed a need for positive, trusted adult role models for youth in Lancaster County.