Welcome, Sarah

We’re excited to welcome Sarah Laney, who is joining us as one of our summer 2024 interns. Sarah is from Lebanon, PA and will be graduating from University of Pittsburgh in December of 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

What inspired you to choose your major?

I chose psychology as my major because I have always been interested in mental health and wanting to help people in any way I can. I get to learn about how people adapt and develop throughout life. This major helps me understand the people around me and I get to learn different ways I can help others. This major also allows me to go to grad school and further my education specifically in school counseling.

What projects will you do during your internship at Touchstone Foundation?

As the programs summer intern, I will be helping with the social media aspect of the program. I will help organizing the website, blog posts and post on the social media accounts. I will also help with fundraising events and lend a hand any way I can.

How will these projects prepare you for the future?

These projects will help me prepare myself in the future by getting myself familiar with educating the public on mental health. An important part of psychology and mental health is to educate as many people as possible and this job will help me learn how to do that in a small and large scene. In the future I will use these skills to spread awareness and educate the people around me.

What do you hope to learn through this internship?

Through this internship, I’m excited to learn the social media side of mental health. I’m excited to learn how to educate people on mental health in a fun and creative way. I am also hoping to learn more about the behind the scenes involving mental health and how I can help the people around me. I’m excited to also build my knowledge on all the opportunities the city of Lancaster has and how I can assist.

Tell us something interesting or exciting about yourself.

The summer before my junior year of college I had the opportunity to study abroad in Australia for a month during the Women’s World cup. During this month I learned a lot about equality and women in sports. I got to travel around Australia watching different soccer games, while learning about the adversity women face in sports. I got to learn about the differences in gender surrounding sports and I learned a lot about myself. This experience changed my life and I learned so many valuable skills that I use today.

Sarah can be reached at intern3@touchstonefound.org

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