The Power of Mentorship

photo-1444681179373-730055ddc7b6It’s little wonder that children’s success in life is largely dependent on having strong, positive role models who are active in their lives. From parents, teachers, coaches to relatives and friends, having caring, concerned adults who provide advocacy, encouragement and love is vital for children and youth as they grow and mature. However, many children in America do not have an adult in their lives who can fulfill a mentorship role; whether they are in the foster care system, have parents who are absent, or simply do not have a positive home environment, children who do not have a role model in their lives are at risk for failure and destructive behavior.

In particular, those children have had Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, are most in danger of falling behind in school, having difficulty cultivating meaningful relationships and developing substance abuse issues. Often, these children have difficulty being hopeful about their futures because there is no one in their lives who is capable of showing them that they have anything to be hopeful for.

The reality for these kids, however, seems to be that the more hopeful they are, the more they’ll have to be hopeful. In fact, The Atlantic’s The Role of Adult Mentorship in Helping Children Deal with Trauma reports that “While all children differ in their ability to rebound from adversity, and some may be more effectively ‘wired for hope’ than others, positive relationships with adults appear to be the most important source of hope for children at risk for poor educational outcomes”.

Getting involved in mentorship is clearly an important way to make sure that children are able to lead healthy, successful loves and further the future of our community. Volunteering as a mentor is obviously one way to have a big impact on a child’s life, but by helping to bring more long-term mentoring programs to Lancaster County, you will be able to make an arguably wider impact. Moreover, funding these programs institutes long-term mentorship relationships, generates advocacy for at-risk children, and could possibly provide training for teachers and staff to help promote a healthy learning environment for all children.

For more information about our organization or volunteer opportunities within the community, please contact us today.

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