Supporting Area Health Providers

photo-1449177009399-be6867ef0505Lancaster Osteopathic Health Foundation (LOHF) is proud to support area health providers with critical access to financial and educational resources including grants, scholarships, loan repayments and information and trainings. Since 2003, LOHF has invested nearly $700,000 in the education of 193 nurses.

LOHF scholarship recipients demonstrate strong academic performance and commitment to professional health services within the community. Their skilled focus continues to impact the mental and behavioral wellbeing of area youth and families.

In 2015, LOHF was proud to recognize two such scholarship alumni: Amanda Yost, BSN, RN-CCDP and Dawn Lambert, PhD, RN. Each offered valuable insight into the nursing profession. LOHF is encouraged by the direct impact that the scholarship has had on these and other area recipients. Their testimony affirms our long-term commitment towards assessing and improving the mental and behavioral health of our community.

Now YOU can show your support for these area health care providers. There’s many ways to support LOHF and our compassionate, holistic approach to health care and nursing students or those seeking advanced degrees. To donate online via credit card, please click here. Checks are payable to LOHF, 128 E. Grant St. #104, Lancaster, PA 17602. Thank you!

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