Support Behavioral Health in Lancaster County


Lancaster Osteopathic Health Foundation (LOHF) would like to thank Vivian Spiese, President of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Lancaster County Affiliate, for her letter raising awareness on the importance of human services funds in our community.

“It would be great if our legislative bodies and the governor could bring back the funding cut from human services several years ago,” said Spiese. “But since that is not current reality, I am asking local decision makers to make sure the behavioral health program gets its fair share of funding from the current block grant.”

With LOHF’s behavioral health grant funds, we seek to supplement human services funds from federal, state and local sources. We can provide local matching funds to leverage those sources. But we cannot begin to replace those importance sources of funding. We know that the mental and behavioral health needs of our children and families are far too great and much too important.

LOHF applauds efforts like Vivian’s and others to raise awareness, encourage collaboration, seek partnerships, look for successful models, and improve access to care and support for children and families in Lancaster County.

To read the full article, please visit LancasterOnline.


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