Lancaster Osteopathic Health Foundation Community Grants Program


We are thrilled to launch our new Community Grants Program which, we hope will encourage a culture of collaboration that fosters community partnerships to meet the behavioral and mental health needs of Lancaster County children, their families and caregivers.

With the results of our recent “Lancaster County Youth Behavioral and Mental Health Needs Assessment,” we have gained a comprehensive understanding of youth behavioral and mental health needs in Lancaster County. Our new grantmaking guidelines and processes have been designed to facilitate access, education and coordination of resources so that all children and youth in Lancaster County experience mental wellbeing. We encourage creativity, innovation and partnership among the efforts we fund.

We welcome your participation and look forward to working together to improve mental and behavioral health services for all children and families in our community.

Our Vision
We envision that all children and youth in Lancaster County experience mental well-being.

Our Mission
Advance mental wellness of children and youth in Lancaster County by facilitating access, education, and coordination of resources

We Will Provide

  • Research to support initiatives
  • Grantmaking guidelines
  • A clearly defined and communicated grant funding process
  • Advocacy

Our Impact Areas

Impact Area 1: Care Coordination
Improve delivery of children’s behavioral health services
Care Coordination Outcomes

  • Increase access to mental/behavioral health services
  • Seamless transition of services for young adults
  • Coordinate resources to support families in navigating and accessing care

Impact Area 2: Parent/Caregiver Education
Enhance the capacity of parents, families, and caregivers through training and support
Parent/Caregiver Education Outcomes

  • Increase competency in addressing children’s mental/behavioral needs
  • Increase understanding and confidence in parents using strength-based techniques
  • Decrease need for care coordination

Impact Area 3: Access to Providers
Improve capacity of providers to support and treat children
Access to Providers Outcomes

  • Reduce wait times for behavioral healthcare
  • Increase number of children who have and utilize health insurance
  • Encourage well-child visits and preventative care
  • Expand number and frequency of behavioral/mental health screenings in primary care

Grant Funding Process
Visit our website for full grant making guidelines, process, and more details.

Grant Funding Cycles
Fall 2015 Cycle (Calendar Year)

  • A special information session will be held Friday, June 19, 8:00 a.m., Cap and Cork Restaurant
  • Accepting Letters of Intent/Inquiry now through July 15, 2015 for Calendar Year 2016 funding
  • Grant Applications due September 1, 2015
  • Funding Available January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016

Spring 2016 Cycle (Fiscal Year)

  • A special information session will be announced at a later date
  • Accepting Letters of Intent/Inquiry July 16, 2015 – January 15, 2016
  • Grant Applications due March 1, 2016
  • Funding Available July 1, 2016 – July 30, 2017

For More Information
We want to hear from you! Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about our work and our grant making process. We can be reached by email at, or by phone at 717-397-8722. Feel free to visit our website,

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