In support of helping professionals during COVID-19, we hosted a Zoom series “Self-Care Check-in for Helping Professionals.” Here, we have provided the recordings and links from each one. Each 30-minute session includes practice of at least one self-care exercise, and an interactive discussion with a special guest on a particular aspect of self-care for those caring for others. These are inclusive for any helping professional, whether on the frontlines of managing the pandemic, or helping people in other ways. This includes healthcare professionals, teachers, counselors, and so many more professions that serve others. We hope this will be a helpful resource to revisit from time to time, and to share with others.
June 15, 2020 Recording:
GUEST: Elaine Ostrum, LCSW, Pathways Center for Grief and Loss
TOPIC: Managing your own grief and compassion fatigue
EXTRAS: View and download Coping with Loss Dual Process Model and Running on Empty
June 1, 2020 Recording:
GUEST: Elizabeth O’Hara, LCSW, Move Forward Counseling
TOPIC: Making meaning in our lives, affect regulation, and a guided meditation practice
May 18, 2020 Recording:
GUEST: Troy Brindle, LCSW, Vice President and Director of Behavioral Health Integration at Springfield Psychological.
TOPIC: Acknowledging moral injury, compassion fatigue, Zoom fatigue; self-care exercise practiced
- Watch the video of progressive body relaxation exercise
May 11, 2020 Recording:
SUBJECT: Self-care methods were practiced together, and we assessed our current levels of self-care.
GUEST: Nancy Miller, BSN, RN, ACC, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist and Professional Self-Care Coach.
- Download a free .pdf of Four Self-Care Essentials on her Website, https://nancymillercoaching.com/. She can also be found on Facebook @NavigateLifeCoaching.
May 5, 2020 Recording:
SUBJECT: How are you grieving from effects of the pandemic?
GUEST: Melanie Snyder, Trauma-Informed Specialist, Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health.
- Ask to subscribe to her texts of 3-minute self-care audio recordingsby e-mailing your cell phone number to MelanieGSnyder@gmail.com
April 27, 2020 Recording:
SUBJECT: How are we managing our self-care right now? Ideas for staying grounded and connected. Why self-care is imperative.
GUEST: Adam Biuckians, MD; Medical Director and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Community Services Group; LOHF Board Chair