Giving Thanks for Your Generosity

This Thanksgiving, we are so grateful for the outpouring of support for our work to improve youth mental wellness here at LOHF. We honor and thank the many people who make our work possible, including the mental health providers, youth and families, educators, students, and the expertise of our volunteers. And of course, we are extra grateful for the generosity of our donors.

On Nov. 19, our Lancaster County community raised over $15 million! At LOHF, we are grateful for the $17,725 in support from 118 donors and sponsors. We thank our Board of Directors and volunteers, Tait Weller, Lancaster Behavioral Health Hospital, Joanne Pantanella, LCSW, and the Odyssey Group. Together, these sponsors matched the generous donations from individual donors, up to $5,365.00.

We are grateful for the many small organizations in Lancaster County whose work helps local kids, teens, and young adults who are struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, and challenges of family stress. Together with our grantees and local partners, we are providing a haven of support, welcoming and affirming to our LGBTQ+ youth, honoring the safety of youth who are often bullied or targeted by racism, homophobia, or anti-Semitism. When youth are targeted with hate, their mental health suffers. We will continue to offer a refuge of support for youth mental wellness in our community, sometimes even saving lives.

Youth Mental Health in Crisis Today

At LOHF, we see demand for therapy increasing over 70% in 2021 and wait lists to see a therapist are longer than ever. LOHF solves this supply and demand problem with our youth mental health programs. These funds will help more young people afford to see a licensed therapist in our Mental Health Copay Assistance Program and helps us offer more scholarships and training to students and recent graduates who want to become licensed mental health providers.

Mental Health Careers Scholarship

Demand for youth mental healthcare exceeds the supply of therapists at crisis levels, and finances are also a barrier. With these funds, we will support scholarships for students to become licensed therapists in Lancaster County. Building our talent pipeline, investing in education, and training shortens the wait times for youth to see a therapist.

Mental Health Copay Assistance

A local psychologist told me that she sees many young people in her practice who are suicidal. Our mental health copay assistance program is saving lives, helping youth to stay in therapy. This program reduces the cost of copays to just $10 per visit. This program helps us meet the crisis of demand for mental health care among young people today.

Year-End Giving

If you would like to contribute to LOHF before the end of this year, you can support our work with a gift to help us expand access for youth mental wellness programs and fund scholarships for students entering the mental health care field. Thank You!

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