COVID-19 prompts community support for mental healthcare demand, expanding copay assistance and other mental health services

Behavioral healthcare providers were already struggling to meet demand for services. The impact of COVID-19 has made access to mental health services even more challenging. Many more people are experiencing anxiety and depression and cannot access care due to job loss or reduction of hours and pay. This is especially true for some of our most vulnerable—youth, children, and young adults. 

Thanks to a Lancaster Cares grant, LOHF has broadened eligibility for its free Mental Health Copay Assistance program to include not just ages 0-25 and those with dependent children, but any county resident whose income is impacted by COVID-19. LOHF has also collaborated with Mental Health America of Lancaster County (MHA) to include LOHF’s copay program in MHA’s bundle of free mental health services. 

LOHF Mental Health Copay Assistance

Participants in LOHF’s Mental Health Copay Assistance program pay only $10 for each appointment with the licensed mental healthcare professional of their choice (such as a therapist or psychiatrist). Prior to the pandemic, eligibility was limited to persons with financial need who are ages 0-25 or the parent of a dependent child age 0-25, and live in the county. This is now expanded to include any county resident impacted financially by COVID-19, regardless of age or parental status. LEARN MORE or APPLY ONLINE.

MHA’s Community Mental Health Assistance program

Services for residents in Lancaster County who don’t currently have access to an employee assistance program, or for those whose employment was affected by Covid-19. This free program includes an assessment, short-term counseling by a licensed mental health professional, and follow up resources. This program is supported by a grant from the Steinman Foundation. LEARN MORE.

MHA’s Medication Assistance program

Financial assistance for adults and children in Lancaster County unable to afford medication during the pandemic, with limited restrictions. This program is supported by a grant from Lancaster Cares. LEARN MORE.

MHA’s Virtual Mental Health Support Groups 

Peer-led groups that meet weekly by Zoom or phone for support, education, and mentoring. The groups are free, confidential and ongoing. LEARN MORE.

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