Area Mental Health First Aid Trainings and Resources

photo-1437912670385-d3fef2b7247aLancaster Osteopathic Health Foundation is proud to partner with the National Council for Behavioral Health. In 2016, the National Council for Behavioral Health has committed to making mental health first aid trainings a priority.

“With one in four Americans experiencing a mental health or addiction disorder each year, the National Council is committed to making this important training as common as CPR,” said National Council Board Chair and President and CEO of Community Service Group, Susan Blue.

The Community Service Group and Philhaven routinely host trainings locally. Additionally, the School District of Lancaster has received a federal grant to train 1,000 people in Lancaster. For a full list of area mental health first aid trainings and trainers, please visit

Mental Health America of Lancaster County hosts a mental health training entitled Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR).

“This training will teach you how to recognize the warning signs of suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help,” says Mental Health America of Lancaster County.

The next available QPR training is March 4, 2016 at 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the Community Services Building, Blair Room. This training is being offered by the Lancaster County Suicide Prevention Coalition. Cost is $15.00. To register, please click here.

By providing comprehensive mental health trainings to members of the community, families can better assess and coordinate mental health emergencies while preventing crises from occurring. We are proud to partner with many area health care providers in the pursuit mental and behavioral health the the theFor additional questions or concerns, please contact us today!



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