It’s All about the Kids

Our mission is to elevate the mental well-being of Lancaster County children.

Children like 16-year-old Alicia* whose suicidal thoughts and experimentation with cutting were unnoticed until a grant and physician training intervened with screening and referral.

Children like Joanna’s* infant son was born while she was incarcerated. Thanks to grants that provided a family advocate and an alternative foster care program, he was given the chance to bond with his mother and thrive in a safe and loving home until her release. Read more.

The strategy for greatest impact

LOHF facilitates children’s access to behavioral healthcare through grants to local programs; we provide scholarships, continuing education, and resources to healthcare providers. In 2017 alone, we invested more than half a million dollars into Lancaster County programs and providers to enhance the behavioral health of kids. We allocate as much of our endowment resources as possible to these programs, and the generosity of donors allows us to help even more children and families be well.

Here’s a snapshot of our success in this mission in our 2017 Annual Report.

Learn how you can participate in this mission.

*Names changed to protect privacy.


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