Children's Behavioral Health Grants

Now, through the end of 2023 we are awarding Micro Grants on a rolling basis focused on connecting the community to programs that positively impact the mental wellness of youth and their families.

Current and Past Grantees

Touchstone Foundation grants tackle the supply and demand crisis in mental healthcare for youth and children by supporting local programs to meet our Two Big Goals: 

  • Building the talent pipeline in behavioral healthcare for youth and children in Lancaster County
  • Improving access to mental well-being for youth and children in Lancaster County 


We encourage applicants to replicate existing models that have been successful, and to work collaboratively with others to improve mental health services for youth and children ages birth through 25. 

Children's Behavioral Health Grants List

New! Community Connections Micro-Grants for Youth Mental Wellness

Now, through the end of 2023 we are awarding Micro Grants on a rolling basis focused on connecting the community to programs that positively impact the mental wellness of youth and their families.

2022 Grantees

Bench Mark Program - Spring 2022

“Open Gym”

Mentoring program emphasizes physical fitness programming, career development, and academic coaching.

Horizons at Lancaster Country Day School - Spring 2022

“School Counselor”

  • Teaching staff would be better supported with school counselor lead training before start of school.
  • Increased lessons in social and emotional learning during a period where our families have gone through stress, uncertainty, and loss.
  • A process for monitoring the emotional needs of our students with a goal of ensuring students are ready to learn.

The YWCA Lancaster - Spring 2022

“Sexual Assault Counseling Center”

As the Rape Crisis Center for the county, they provide primary prevention education programs to the community. Healthy Relationship Project (HRP) is a researched-based, trauma-informed, and age-appropriate child sexual abuse prevention curriculum created by Prevent Child Abuse Vermont. There are 3 distinct programs for students in preschool-grade 2, grades 3-6, and grades 7-8.  

Community Action Partnership (CAP) of Lancaster County - Spring 2022

“Play and Learns” 

A program to serve families with children birth to five years of age in communities in Lancaster County that have limited availability of high-quality early learning opportunities. The criteria for Play and Learns include being connected with the school district; scheduling dates for each session in a series ahead of time with at least five 60-minute sessions. Each session is comprised of child-directed play, caregiver learning, a coordinated group activity, and intentional space for caregivers to build social capital, as well as time for caregivers to explore resources with a focus on family well-being. 

Samaritan Counseling Center - Spring 2022

TeenHope – Digital Screening

TeenHope is a school-based program in Lancaster County schools screening students to identify those struggling with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. We currently partner with 16 area school systems.

2021 Grantees

Union Community Care - Fall 2021

FLASH – Integrating Trauma-informed Care in Primary Care 

Program provided staff with training in the FLASH Technique, a new behavioral health intervention that can heal trauma in a brief, non-intrusive manner. The technique will be employed in the patient’s preferred language and can reduce disturbances of painful memories in as little as 15 minutes.

Parish Resource Center - Fall 2021

One for One Advocacy Program

Program offers comprehensive care for children, with an emphasis on mental and physical health. It matches one volunteer with one family or child for the duration of their participation in the Community Meal auxiliary services, partnering with Lancaster General Health Penn Medicine’s Healthy Beginnings and Union Community Care to meet emerging needs.

Horizons at Lancaster Country Day School - Spring 2021

“School Counselor”

  • Teaching staff would be better supported with school counselor lead training before start of school.
  • Increased lessons in social and emotional learning during a period where our families have gone through stress, uncertainty, and loss.
  • A process for monitoring the emotional needs of our students with a goal of ensuring students are ready to learn.

Mom's House of Lancaster - Spring 2021

Positive Behavioral Intervention & Support Services

Bench Mark Program - Spring 2021

“Open Gym”

Mentoring program emphasizes physical fitness programming, career development, and academic coaching.

Advoz - Spring 2021

Diversifying Restorative Justice

Program addresses harm, rather than blame, is the focus of restorative justice. Whether you’ve been harmed, or caused harm to another(s), restorative practices help to address that harm to the satisfaction of those impacted through facilitated dialogue.  

Patients R Waiting - Spring 2021

Diversifying Doulas Initiative (DDI)

Program addresses the maternal mortality crisis by providing Lancaster Black and Latinx expectant moms with doula support.

2020 Grantees

ECHOS - Fall 2020

ECHOS Youth Crisis Response Counseling

This program provides competency in addressing high acuity levels in students, as well as, providing support for their family members. During the school year, the counselor addresses safety concerns of the students, assists with access to community mental health services, and promotes hope and wellness. 

Patients R Waiting - Fall 2021

“Mental Health Access and Diversifying Doulas Initiative 

MHA – Program will help cover the entire cost of at least 3 sessions with an accredited mental health professional.

DDI – Program addresses the maternal mortality crisis by providing Lancaster Black and Latinx expectant moms with doula support.

Samaritan Counseling Center - Fall 2020

TeenHope – Digital Screening

TeenHope is a school-based program in Lancaster County schools screening students to identify those struggling with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. We currently partner with 16 area school systems.

COBYS - Fall 2020

Telehealth Training for Lancaster County Mental Health Therapists 

Program focused on telehealth basic/skill building training and EMDR telehealth training for Lancaster County Behavioral Health Therapists.

Compass Mark - Spring 2020

Family Services Advocate: Supporting Children with a Parent in Prison 

The Family Services Advocate program identifies, supports, and advocates for the unique needs and rights of children with an incarcerated parent at Lancaster County Prison. Each child receives a needs assessment, case management, relationship support, and pre/post evaluation.

Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 - Spring 2020

“Envision U Symposium”

3-session Envision U Symposium in 2020-21, welcoming students with mental health needs, interest in mental health careers, or disabilities, to attend:

  • The Mindful U: mindfulness and healthy habits
  • The Resourceful U: mental health resources and overcoming barriers
  • The Best U: self-awareness, -advocacy, and -regulation

Bethany Christian Services - Spring 2020

Safe Families for Children™ (SFFC) 

Safe Families for Children™ (SFFC) supports at-risk families in crisis and reduces child abuse/neglect through a network of volunteers motivated by compassion to keep children safe and families intact.

Safe Communities - Spring 2020

Safe Places Prevention + Education

Program educates young children with three workshops with prevention basics: ‘Basic Body Safety’, ‘It’s Ok to Tell’, and ‘What Would You Do If…?’. Our program educates pre-teens with three workshops with relevant prevention information: ‘Internet + Social Media Safety’, ‘Healthy Relationships + Respect’, and ‘Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.’

2019 Grantees

MHA Lancaster - Fall 2019

9th and 10th Grade Mental Health Education 

Milagro House - Fall 2019

Streamlining Behavioral Health Access: Supporting Woman & Children Effected by Trauma and Poverty

Bethany Christian Services - Fall 2019

Together Facing the Challenge (TFTC): An Evidence-Based Model for Therapeutic Foster Care

Smaritan Counseling Center - Fall 2019

TeenHope NavWell Implementation

COBYS - Fall 2019

Increasing Child Behavioral Health Services through Supervision of Unlicensed Therapists

CASA of Lancaster County - Spring 2019

Comprehensive Advocacy for Older Youth

Advoz - Spring 2019

Stand in Justice: Surrogate Victim-Offender Dialogue for Youth

CHI St. Joseph Children's Health - Spring 2019

Take Your Time: A Universal Mindful Education Series for Elementary Students, Teachers & Families

IU13 - Spring 2019

Envision U Symposium

2018 Grantees

Lancaster Public Library - Fall 2018

Play, Learn, and Grow Series

Compass Mark - Fall 2018

Family Services Advocate – Supporting the Unique Needs of Children with Incarcerated Parents

Union Community Care - Fall 2018

“Striving to make Lancaster County Reach Out and Read an integral part of regular pediatric visits”

Community Action Partnership Lancaster - Fall 2018

Ensuring the Wellbeing of Children Fleeing Domestic Violence through Evidence Based Interventions

Wellspan Philhaven - Spring 2018

Attachment-Based Family Therapy (ABFT) Training

Bethany Christian Services - Spring 2018

Safe Families for Children™ (SFFC)

YMCA of the Roses, Lancaster County - Spring 2018

Pre-K and Power Scholars Parent/Family Education Initiative

2017 Grantees

CHI St. Joseph Children's Health - Fall 2017

Take Your Time: A Universal Mindful Education Series for Elementary Students, Teachers & Families

Compass Mark - Fall 2017

Family Services Advocate – Supporting the Unique Needs of Children with Incarcerated Parents

Samaritan Counseling Center - Fall 2017

Teen Hope”

Community Action Partnership Lancaster - Fall 2017

Linking Positive and Proactive Social/Emotional Wellbeing Strategies from School to Home


“Minimizing Trauma for Children of Justice-Involved Parents through a Trauma-Informed Justice System”

Lancaster Public Library - Spring 2017

Family Place’s Parent/Child Workshops – Fall Session

Union Community Care - Spring 2017

Striving to make Lancaster Reach Out and Read an integral part of regular pediatric check-ups

Samaritan Counseling Center - Spring 2017

Teen Hope Research & Program Development

2016 Grantees

Family First Health - Fall 2016

Integrated Behavioral Health using Collaborative Care

Wellspan Philhaven - Fall 2016

Behavioral Healthcare Training for Primary Care Providers and Pediatricians

United Way of Lancaster- Fall 2016

2-1-1 Resource Collection and Maintenance for NavWell

Samaritan Counseling Center - Spring 2016

Teen Hope”

COBYS - Spring 2016

Incredible Years Series Parent Intervention Program

Lancaster Public Library - Spring 2016

Autism Resource Center

CASA of Lancaster County - Spring 2016

Children’s Behavioral Health Coordinator

2015 Grantees

Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health - Fall 2015

Moving Beyond Depression = Achieving Mental Wellness for New Mothers in Nurse Family Partnership

Wellspan Philhaven - Fall 2015

 “The Center for Integrated Healthcare”

Addressed primary behavioral health needs and specialty outpatient services.

Compass Mark - Fall 2015

Burrowes Parenting Project


Supporting the Children of Incarcerated Parents