“Reaching Teens” Conference: Important Feedback and Suggested Next Steps

We are most appreciative of the thoughtful and worthwhile feedback we received from those who attended our “Reaching Teens” Conference last November. The evaluation results from the “Reaching Teens” conference were overwhelmingly positive, with 77% rating the conference as excellent and 18% very good. Dr. Ginsburg shared information that was considered extremely useful by 80% and very useful by 18% and Dr. Ginsburg was rated excellent by 89% of respondents.

How Do We Implement “Reaching Teens” Information Across Lancaster County?

  • Develop community networking about resiliency and strength-based approaches
  • Hear more from Dr. Ginsburg or a similar speaker
  • Strengthen healthcare professional’s knowledge on self-care and education, networking, and collaborating services
  • Make behavioral health available for all children by collaborating among all school districts, and collaborating among pediatricians for care
  • Offer focused speaking/listening strategies for specific disciplines
  • Continuing to integrate these into policies a systematic practices

Our plan for supporting Lancaster County in becoming a model community for children’s resiliency includes:

  • Follow-up meeting with Dr. Ginsburg in Philadelphia for agency directors.
  • Planning a free evening for parents/caregivers (agency clients, school district parents, with Dr. Ginsburg in Lancaster)
  • Supporting the development of learning collaboratives to support school districts, social workers, guidance counselors, school psychologists, parole officers, behavioral health providers, nurses, and other professionals in developing strategies for creating a culture of resiliency in their work.
  • Bringing best practices from other model communities around the country to replicate their work, learn from them.
  • Organizing a second conference with another expert speaker on children’s resiliency, grit, and/or positive psychology.

If you are interested in partnering with us to help Lancaster County become a model community for resiliency, please contact us to discuss opportunities.

About Dr. Ken Ginsburg: http://www.fosteringresilience.com/about.php
About “Reaching Teens” and additional resources: http://fosteringresilience.com/professionals/
“Reaching Teens” from the American Academy of Pediatrics: https://www.aap.org/en-us/professional-resources/Reaching-Teens/Pages/default.aspx

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